Institute of Electronics BAS, 72, Tsarigradsko shoes blvd., 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria – https://ie-bas.org/ie_Eng.htm
Laboratory Physical problems of electron beam technologies (IE-BAS) – https://ie-bas.org/Departments/Beamtech.htm
TC EPTT Ltd., 68 Vrania str., 1309 Sofia, Bulgaria
CEEC, 108 Rakovski Str., 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA – http://ceec.fnts.bg/index_en.html
EBT 2022 location: hotels Estreya Palace and Estreya Residence
Adress: Institute of Electronics BAS 72, Tsarigradsko shose blvd. 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
GSM: (+359) 895 537 899GSM: (+359) 893 022 332
E. Koleva: eligeorg@uctm.eduOrganization : office@ebtconference.com